Tag Archives: photography

Long weekend: Part 2

[In continuation to my last long post!]

In the evening (Saturday) my boyfriend and I met a friend, Jack for a Thai meal at the Star of Siam. Jack was really worried that he’d end up being a ‘third wheel’, but in the end I was the ‘3rd wheel’ as for most of the time I didn’t really understand what they were talking about, so just sat quiet eating my green curry (which was excellent as usual!).

When we got back my boyfriend’s parents got my boyfriend to show me their wedding album. It’s amazing how much more things cost now than they did then!  I love the way things were worded in the 80s too. The modern then is now retro, but again it’s in fashion still!

Talking of retro things being rather cool, on Sunday I went to see my boyfriends next project to be a Jiffy!
According to him, there were only 70 of them made, and they’re a pick-up truck on a mini chassis. So cute! Needs a lot of work doing to it, but I reckon he’s more than capable!  If you want you can take a look at his blog 🙂 He’s new to wordpress, well blogging in general actually, but he’s got a great writing style!

While he was checking the pick-up out, i wondered off to do some random photography. We were supposed to go and do some photography with Chris, another friend of ours later on so I thought I better get in some practice after not really using a camera for months!

As it was I needn’t have bothered bringing all my big camera equipment because we didn’t do any serious photography in the end, instead we caught up in Costa, a nice way to round off my busy weekend!

I hope this wasn’t  too much for everyone to read 😉 I will try to get a couple of posts done in the next couple of weeks… Without too many words in!



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Filed under Family and Friends, Photography


I’ve had rather alot of massive changes going on in my life the last few mths and havent really felt like blogging, not that I had the time or the energy to anyway! sorry >_<

Anyway, I thought I'd post a couple of pictures I've taken recently…

Taken by Zoe

These I took for my photography course (BTEC level 2). That’s it for now 😛


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QuickPress- Snow!

It’s snowing loads again today, it wasnt supposed to though, not according to the weather forcasts. 😛 Best of all it’s propper snow, like feathers falling from heaven that is sorta wet so you can actually make good snowballs and snowmen out of it. When I was younger I used to say it was “god plucking his christmas chicken” haha.

I’ve been out in the snow already and taken a few pictures, but my memory card filled up very quickly becuase I already had about 1000 photos on it already(family holiday and christmas)! Maybe I should have invested in another memory card but I couldnt ever see me filling it when I got it- 4GB seemed an awful lot of space!
Anyway I downloaded the new photos and then deleted all the pictures on the card so that I have a clean card to work with :).

That cat always runs towards me when I attempt to take a photo of her… although it’s very cute its also really annoying!

I’ve got a fair bit to do today to get ready for going back to Birmingham on Saturday. Today I want to order my petticoat for my party dress and some magnetic craft strip off Ebay, I want to write my thank you letters from my birthday… and christmas *cringe*. I know I should have written them ages ago. 😦 Also I want to start packing, or at least sorting out what stuff I want to take back down to Brum.

Right I think that’s all for now. ciao 🙂

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