Tag Archives: new years resolution

New Year New Start?

A long time since my last post… as always!
It’s now 2010, something I haddent taken to be a big thing until new years eve when I started seeing the things on the TV talking about the last decade, and about the next decade to come. Well, I’m not going to look further than the end of this year for now. I’ve been looking too far into the future and I think that gets you down.
And down is what I had a problem with last year. A big problem, and one that I am determinded to tackle this year.

Today is my last day of being an 18yr old. I like the idea of being an 18yr old, but it’s really hard work! There is so many new things to get use to, from relising that you’ve finished your whole school time education, the responsibilities and ‘rewards’ of being an ‘adult’- voting and drinking, to getting through the first term of university-learning to live away from home. Hopefully being 19 will be easier… I’m getting more used to living away from home and uni life isnt such a shock, this year I might even be able to vote in the general election!
This year I want to actaully enjoy those changes which came as a shock last year; so my new year’s resolution is to be happy. Enjoy life a bit more! I need to relax, not get so stressed about things and work hard so that I can pass into next year of uni. This resolution isnt hard to keep… just hard to get there in the first place atm for me!

Hopefully everyone else will find thier’s easy, and be able to keep them!

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